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Oro Ozain - Healing With Herbs

Oro Ozain - Healing With Herbs

Osain is one of the most important Orishas because without Osain there would be no way to correctly perform the ceremonies of "making" the Orishas. Osain is the owner of all the plants and trees that grow wild in the woods. He has nothing to do with cultivated plants. For a plant to have the ache that Osain gives to it, it must be found growing wild in the woods. Osain was the greatest herbalist and knows all the secrets of every plant. Although the other Orishas share the use of certain plants, Osain is the true owner and a tribute must be paid to Osain, before one can enter into the woods to collect plants. There are many stories of how Osain came to share his ownership of plants with the other Orishas. Reportedly Osain kept his secret medicinal and magical herbs in a large "guiro" or calabash gourd hanging high in a tree in the forest. Osain lives in the deepest woods and does not like the company of others. The CD will include various songs that are dedicated to Osain and that are used during the process of Osain ceremonies.

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